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Class Descriptions & Locations
Intro to Yoga Series
Trap Vinyasa™ Retreat
Body Party
Studio Pop-Up & Events
Who We Are
TV Instructors
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Class Schedule
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Pricing & Policies
Virtual Class Instructions
Class Descriptions & Locations
Intro to Yoga Series
Trap Vinyasa™ Retreat
Body Party
Studio Pop-Up & Events
Who We Are
TV Instructors
Student Login
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Email Address
Are you a 200hr RYT certified yoga instructor via Yoga Alliance?
What is your ethnic background and/or race?
What City/State do you currently reside?
Have you practiced Trap Vinyasa™ before? If so what about the practice and community resonates with you?
What can you offer our community as a TV Instructor?
Trap Vinyasa™ was created to hold inclusive space. In oder to ensure that poc and lgbtq communities feel safe we ask that TV Instructors do their work as allies in dismantling racism and white supremacy. Have you received education and/or training in this area. How do you show up in community as an ally to poc and lgbtq spaces?
Are you a trauma-informed/trained instructor? How do you hold space for poc, lgbtq and/or non-poc students that have experienced a high level of trauma?
Tell us about the role dance plays in your life as well as your relationship with body positivity?
How does hip hop music and culture influence your life? What role does it play in your sense of self and where did this come from?
Are you comfortable exploring your sensuality? How would you go about helping a student explore theirs?
How would you like to see yourself grow within the Trap Vinyasa™ community? How would you like to contribute as a future TV team member?
Do you feel called to share the healing power of yoga with underrepresented communities and women? How are currently doing so?
Where do you currently teach and do you have a strong Vinyasa yoga practice? What other styles of yoga do you practice/enjoy teaching?
Thank you!